Episode 3: School transformation in Al Ofoq Al Jadeed School and implementation of FIRST-ADLX

My experience implementing FIRST at AlOfoq Al Jadeed has again proven to me that FIRST-ADLX Framework is a holistic pedagogical framework that helps transform teachers into educators and agents of change, who can cultivate the 21st-century skills along with moral and ethical values that our school clings to, for our learners. This has been tangible while adopting FIRST principles to design and facilitate a complete Active Deep Learner eXperience. This unique experience has aimed at empowering and nourishing the learners to become creative and critical thinkers, collaborative and communicative, and forever craving for learning… FIRST- ADLX Framework has ensured achieving that in a joyful, exciting and safe atmosphere and environment. 

Here, I must admit that my journey implementing FIRST-ADLX has helped me see all the good factors and strong areas available at AL Ofoq Al jadeed and invest in them. The whole Al Ofoq Al Jadeed team of qualified teachers, who have added and enriched the program and the supportive leaders of principal and supervisors, who have provided every means possible to help: whether the place for training and material needed, or setting a very flexible schedule, as well as the amazing learners who have proven that years of work developing the learner’s profile have never been in vain… all those elements as well have helped in overcoming the obstacles while implementing FIRST-ADLX. 

It’s a fact that the hard work always pays off and the effort put to transfer FIRST- ADLX Framework at AL Ofoq Al Jadeed has been fruitful.  Al Ofoq Al Jadeed after Wave II is not the same as it was before.

Teachers have developed a growth mindset and a new language with certain terminology has been adopted as well. Moreover, a special Form of session design flow for our school has been charted. Yet, the prominent achievement is launching FIRST learner profile that will be elaborated on in another case study.

Grade 5 learners show enthusiasm while moving as they apply what they’ve learnt about muscles.

These are examples of how teachers applied the principles of the 5 domains with their learners.









Focusing on Learnerrrr behavior, Mrs. Diana, an Arabic Language teacher, for the elementary classes, providing varied worksheets due to learners’ levels and needs


Interacting within positive group dynamics- fifth-graders discussing their findings of animals in one science session- in a safe environment, showing motivation to learn more about animals

Reviewing actively- twelfth graders sorting properties of some Math concepts

Repetition without boredom – twelfth graders learning about symmetry

Reflecting on reality- learners journaling in Math session to express their feelings towards their findings and go beyond the information


Experiencing home life- KG learners sitting in a mini living room at school


In reality, the effect of Wave II surpassed the teachers and students to reach all other staff members at Al Ofoq Al Jadeed; this could be easily noticed in the way the school’s leaders’ attitude and treatment with teachers have changed and in the application of FIRST-ADLX Framework principles in meetings; the meetings have become more oriented and structured in a way that the flow of the meeting would consider including activities: opener, linking and summarizing, energizers, closures.  

I was totally immersed in Wave II and impressed with the results. But, my mission was still not ended. Wave III was still ahead of me. A group of 15 educators from different specialities were given three training days followed by coaching sessions of teachers with learners that ended by group coaching session with ROOTS consultant.  

Group Coaching Model

“Who am I? ” Game








Those who attended Wave III had different insights towards it – all are positive. Ms. Zahra, the academic controller for cycle 3 and 4, commented, “I’ve become more human-centric than task-oriented.” 

The feedback by students who were coached by teachers was authentic as well. 

Unfortunately, this Wave was only given for one group for several reasons mainly the time constraints, and my focus was more directed towards transferring FIRST-ADLX and following up with all groups of teachers. However, I still think Wave III must be transferred to all educators at Al Ofoq Al Jadeed. The idea of having coaching sessions through Zoom meetings after school following some convenient schedule for teachers as part of their weekly schedule can solve the issue of time constraints. 

We all know that practice makes permanent and whatever acquired knowledge or skill if not reviewed often, it will soon fade away and die; from here came the idea of “FIRST-ADLX Refreshment Session” mission. Teachers of cycles 3 & 4 at Al Ofoq Al Jadeed started the 2019-2020 school year with this mission. They had to design sessions by using FIRST-ADLX Framework’s principles where the supervisors, coordinators and ROOT consultant attended. 

Teachers reviewing and discussing behaviors regarding principles

Yet, with the outbreak of COVID-19 across all corners of the world forcing all countries to lock down to stop its spread, the educational sector was one of the most affected. As soon as the decision to close schools was declared due to the pandemic, we at Al Ofoq Al Jadeed started to think of online teaching through e-learning platforms, so classes could continue and our students wouldn’t lose the year. Then, I gave introductory sessions to Zoom for 2 groups of teachers, having used this platform with SeGa. But, introducing Zoom and giving some information on how to use this tool was not enough, I had to give another session to raise awareness about the importance of pedagogy before technology and to emphasize that e-lessons must be designed in a way to be engaging and informative simultaneously. 

Although this worldwide quarantine took place suddenly with no prior preparation, we could to a great extent, face the challenges it raised in education; we applied remote teaching using cloud-based platforms and virtual classrooms working synchronously and a-synchronously with our students.

The following are some comments of some students after taking an English class with their teacher, Ms. Wissal. 


And, here is another comment by the Math teacher, Mrs. Mona after giving her first online class. 

My experience with FIRST–ADLX Framework hasn’t come to an end yet and its impact is deeply rooted in me. This experience has matured and enriched me personally and professionally. My warmest thanks go to SeGa team and all members of AL Ofoq Al Jadeed team.

This impact of FIRST–ADLX Framework is unmatched and as I thought of from the very beginning, “it would bring about some radical changes”; it has indeed caused tremendous changes to our Al Ofoq Al Jadeed Community. 

One learner sent this warm message during the quarantine just to confirm how beneficial and impactful implementing FIRST – ADLX Framework has been. 

“It wasn’t easy at all to bear quarantine. I missed my best friends “classmates”, the smile of my teachers, the engaging activities, the Math and English sessions, the energizers… I missed all that memorable joy!” Mariam Kobrosly, grade 3

Her mother, Mrs. Amira El Sinn added:

“As a parent, quarantine was a new situation that was challenging with my child. What helped us overcome the challenges was the great support from the hardworking teachers.

Also, the missed material was given through a blog where our kids can play fun games, watch related videos, and power points of different subjects. The reward system used gave positive feedback for us as parents especially when my daughter was collecting appreciation cards to win a gift.”

Another parent complimented: 

“Al Ofoq Al Jadeed School is a modern school that is mainly concerned about building the learner’s personality to face life challenges; it encourages and prepares learners to participate in international competitions. My daughter loves the school and favours school days over holidays!” 

“بيهتموا بشخصيات الطلاب ويشاركونهم بمباريات عالمية متل تحدي القراءة – المدرسة مثال نموذجي للمدرسة الحديثة “

“ابنتي لا تحب يوم العطلة واذا سألتها اين تحبين ان تذهبي: تقول الى المدرسة”

Probably ending my case study with a thank you letter from Al Ofoq Al Jadeed principal would reflect what extent, we Al Ofoq Al Jadeed family are grateful to SeGa group. 

Ms. Malake, the principal, emphasizes that FIRST – ADLX Framework is a renovative, innovative, and developing program that has made a great difference adding a new growth mindset among the school community where all educators, administrators, learners and parents have started to talk the same language. 

“من لا يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله!”

شكرا SeGa group   و NAMA foundation جزاكم الله عنا كل خير… 

بذلتم جهدًا ومنحتم علمًا وأجزاتم عطاءً ..

لقد كان برنامج FIRST-ADLX برنامج تغيير وتجديد وتطوير على صعيد المسيرة التربوية في المدرسة ، لقد غير في اساليب التعليم وجدد في الانشطة والمفاهيم وطور في نمط التفكير 

فقد غدت المدرسة بجهازها الإداريّ والتّعليميّ وبتلامذتها وبأهاليها في بوتقةٍ واحدةٍ، يكمّل بعضها بعضًا بمتعةٍ ونفعٍ وفائدة ٍ بفضل هذا البرنامج المتكامل وطبعًا بفضل القيّميين عليه وأيضًا بفضل جهود الآنسة حنان شاكر الّتي سعت جاهدةً في التدريب والمتابعة وما زالت… 

    دمتم ودام الأثر

مديرة مدرسة الأفق الجديد

ملكة عرنوص


Prepared by: Ms. Hanan Shaker – Math Teacher & Supervisor, FIRST-ADLX Master Facilitator.

Ms. Lina Zamzam English language teacher and supervisor at Al Ofoq Al Jadeed school

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