Focusing on Learners Behaviors

FIRST Framework is a comprehensive framework for professionals who work hard to leave an impact through learning design, trainings, teaching and face-to-face learning sessions.

FIRST Framework contains 5 domains; each of them is based on solid theories and models, and inspired by well-known scientists and researchers.

  • Focusing
  • Interacting
  • Reviewing
  • Sequencing
  • Transforming

Let us start with the first domain: F, which stands for Focusing on the learner through:

F PrinciplesF Principle 1

Everybody is different. Everybody has different styles. Just do it the best way you know how.- Vince Carter

By individualization we mean treating every learner differently in a personalized way throughout the learning experience. The power of personalizing the learner experience makes it more relevant, deep and transferable to the workplace, through:

  • Checking learning styles
  • Connecting with individual needs
  • Appraising learners for their success
  • Mentioning their identity
  • Creating opportunities for showing their capabilities
  • Check the progress pace of individuals

It is a hard principle to apply with all learners, but you have to be aware consciously try to individualize the experience. If due to time constraints, you had to reduce interaction time with a learner inside the session, you could catch-up during break time, and utilize the nearest opportunity to reconnect with that learner.

F Principle 2

Become a creative thinking detective! Ask probing questions. There is no such thing as a wasted question.- Elaine Dundon

By Probing we mean activities pursued by the facilitator to keep track of participants learning for the purpose of making decisions and/or providing feedback.

Probing & Assessing can happen through:

  • Questioning

    • Question learners to check their understanding
    • Different types of questioning may be used, depending on what needs to be monitored
  • Walking around

    • Circulating around the room during seatwork and engaging in one-to-one contacts with learners about their work
    • Conducting periodic reviews with learners to confirm their grasp of learning material and identify gaps in their knowledge and understanding
    • Assigning, collecting, and discussing missions and assignments
  • Observation through different activities

    • Pair and share
    • Pair and share
    • Action plans
    • Commitment letters
    • Insights / Journaling and sharing
    • Summarize content
    • Answer a question
    • Demonstrate a skill
    • Teach-back
    • Present group or pair or individual work
    • Quick test / quiz

Probing should be matched with the learning outcomes, taking in consideration the individual differences.

F Principle 3

Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.- Isaac Watts

Trust the learner means believing that every individual learner is rich with previous experience and perceptions and can add to the group learning and experience. This can take place through:

  • Pulling appropriately each learner’s previous experience and perceptions and building on it.
  • Showing interest and encourage learners participation to add value to the whole experience.
  • Allowing the space for every learner to take partial control and freely participate in different activities.

Make sure to check the following posts explaining the remaining domains of FIRST Framework and learn how to grow and develop yourself as an educator, trainer and facilitator!

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