Using FIRST-ADLX Framework to Train School Supervisors and Teachers in Egypt – Ms. Radwa Rezk

I’m Radwa Rezk, a vice principal and teachers’ trainer. I used FIRST-ADLX Framework to design and facilitate a learning journey on how to educate a child as a whole human. The journey extended over several sessions, and the learners were school supervisors and teachers. I focused on the domains of FIRST-ADLX while designing my sessions and used the holistic map in the process. While designing my sessions, I focused on the domains of FIRST-ADLX. I also used the holistic map in the process.
In the process of designing my sessions, my greatest challenge was not knowing any details about the learners’ persona – such as their ages, preferences, or expectations of the journey. Therefore, I focused on the shared background of the educators to differentiate the activities and utilize them effectively for the side age group of educators participating in the journey.

During the facilitation of the learning sessions, I noticed that dividing the learners into groups helped them to interact and share insights much better, enriching the discussion between them, as they were already experienced individuals.

I will share with you what I did to apply the domains of FIRST-ADLX:

Focusing on the Learners Domain

I tried to focus on each individual learner by calling him/her by his/her name, engaging him/her to interact, and giving him/her the space to share their insights I trusted them to enrich the discussion with their previous experience, emotions, and thoughts which added a lot to the overall experience.

Interacting within Positive Group Dynamics

As I mentioned before, dividing the learners into groups provided them with different opportunities to interact, share insights, and learn from each other. I also I used the think- pair-share strategy which allowed them to share and explain concepts to each other. When it was time for them to share their work, they presented it and hung it on the wall.

Reviewing Activities within RAR

My learning activities were RAR activities with three clear stages. To increase my learners’ readiness, I provided clear instructions and prepared my learners for the activity. Then, I facilitated the activity, monitored my learners, clarified ambiguities, and helped them finish the tasks. The reviewing actively stage was a bit challenging as I had a large number of learners. However, dividing them into groups helped me provide them with proper opportunities to reflect on their learning.

The outcome of the learning journey was truly amazing. Everyone was involved, and a healthy and engaging atmosphere was present throughout the training. Applying FIRST-ADLX in the learning journey helped me achieve the main and parallel learning outcomes of the journey.

Monitoring the groups and facilitating the learning process

Group photo at the end of the learning session

Publishing the group’s insights

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