One of the ultimate goals of educators is to achieve the transfer of learning, where the learner is willing and capable of transferring the attitude, knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom into practice in real-life situations.
For decades now, as a country, Tanzania has been striving to see how this is going to happen. Our education system has passed through various phases and history regarding teaching and learning paradigm and methodologies from teacher-centric, content-centric and now student-centric and competence-based approaches. However, to a large extent, the current student-centric and competence-based approaches have remained in theoretical form. Till recently, we had no comprehensive tool or a practical framework which could enable us reliably transform these theoretical aspirations into tangible practice in our designing, facilitating as well as the assessment of learning among our youngsters.
FIRSTedu-ADLX Framework in Tanzania
FIRSTedu-ADLX Framework is a unique pedagogical tool that focuses on creating a deep impact on the educational systems worldwide and open a new era of education compliant with the 21st century learning through using the FIRST-ADLX Framework to design and facilitate an Active Deep Learner eXperience.
The framework transforms teachers into educators and agents of change, who can cultivate the 21st-century skills along with moral and ethical values in their students. This is done through designing and facilitating a complete Active Deep Learner eXperience. The experience will empower and nourish the students to become independent, reflective and self-aware, collaborative, cooperative, innovative, communicative, creative, critical thinking life-long learners as well as living memorable, joyful and meaningful experiences by design.
FIRST-ADLX Framework was designed and developed by SeGa Group, a research-based entity established in U.S.A and it was funded by NAMA Foundation during the development of Tanzanian FIRST-ADLX Framework Master Trainer under the Global initiative known as Roadmap of Outstanding Educators (ROOTS).
This case study was inspired as a result of SeGa C.E.O, Mohamed Bahgat visit to Tanzania from Sunday, November 3rd 2019 to Sunday, November 10th 2019. The visit started with a meeting with FIRSTedu-ADLX Certified Master Trainer in Dar Es Salaam, then moved to Dodoma to visit the Ministry of Education and Rahma School. From Dodoma, the team moved back to Dar Es Salaam to visit Ubungo and Ihsaan School and finally to Zanzibar on the following day to visit Al Falah School.
This case study aimed to discover the transformational results and impact of FIRSTedu-ADLX in Tanzania Schools. In doing so, the following research question was used as a guide;
What are the main transformational impact, findings and indicators after applying FIRSTedu on;
i. Students?
ii. Teachers?
iii. School leaders?
iv. Whole school?
In this case study, a qualitative approach was considered more relevant in collection and interpretation of data as it allowed greater capacity to gain more depth and meaning based on an individual’s experiences of the application of FIRSTedu-ADLX along with their feelings as opposed to a quantitative approach which is more structured, broader in scale and more numerically based.
The study targeted 21 schools which are applying FIRSTedu-ADLX Framework in Tanzania. However, the sample was taken from five schools in different four regions. In the selected schools, the respondents were as shown in the table below;
Data Collection
Data collection took place on 4th November 2019. A mobile phone was used to record the interviews and all interviews were later on fully transcribed. A Semi-structured interview was conducted with a series of questions in the general form of an interview schedule however the sequence of questions varied. The interviewer also had some freedom to probe and explore additional questions in response to what was seen as significant replies.
Each participant was presented with a similar set of questions relating to their overall experiences on the implementation of FIRSTedu-ADLX and the impact which it had on their lives. The questions were mainly open-ended questions with a small number of closed questions relating to information such as years of experience in teaching and so on.
This style enabled the researcher to establish rapport and comfort with the participant and it was extremely helpful. The researcher probed the respondents and this gave out rich and in-depth information.
Apart from interviews, data was also collected through observation. The team moved around classes to see how the learning process takes place following FIRSTedu-ADLX Framework. Designing and Facilitation of lesson to achieve Active Deep Learner eXperience was the main observational focus.
The observation was also made around the school, targeting to assess the general school culture, how the non-teaching staff is aligned with the achievement of the transformational goals.
And this was the end of Episode 1… Wait for us and Episode 2
Next Episodes Headlines:
- Relationships insides the School.
- Adoption of FIRST-ADLX Framework based lesson plan.
- Change in teaching methodologies and styles.
Prepared by: Mr. Zinga Bakari, Director, Department of Education-AMYC Headquarters & FIRST-ADLX Master Facilitator
Supervised by: Dr. Baraka Kondo, Lecturer of Educational Psychology, Coordinator of Teaching Practices, University of Dodoma & FIRST-ADLX Master Facilitator.