SeGa Group Research Center
Nearly 6 years of international data from more than 10 countries
Through our team of expert consultants and researchers, we build our unique collaborative scientific research-based outputs (research papers, case studies, impact studies…etc) to serve the goal of developing engaged and thriving organizations in the education industry, to enable them to create the Active Deep Learner eXperience (ADLX).
March 2022
Thesis title: The effectiveness of a proposed training program based on the FIRST-ADLX framework for the active deep learner experience in developing some teaching skills for Quran teachers in Egypt. رسالة ماجستير بعنوان: فاعلية برنامج تدريبي مقترح قائم على إطار فيرست لتجربة معايشة المتعلم النشطة العميقة في تنمية بعض المهارات التدريسية لدى معلمي القرآن بمصر - الشيخ سيد رمضان
هدف البحث إلى قياس فاعلية برنامج تدريبى مقترح قائم على إطار FIRST-ADLX لتجربة معايشة المتعلم النشطة العميقة Active Deep Learner eXperience لتنمية بعض المهارات التدريسية لدى معلمى القرآن بمصر. واعتمد البحث على المنهج: شبه التجريبى (ذو المجموعة الواحدة) عند القيام بتطبيق البرنامج على مجتمع الدراسة: المكون من معلمى مادة القرآن الكريم بمصر، وتكونت عينة البحث من (110) معلما من أربع محافظات (القاهرة-الجيزة-القليوبية – سوهاج) يعملون بعدد من المدارس الأهلية مثل (ليدرزانتر ناشيونال – ليدرز ناشيونال – اللأندلس الأزهرية-المهدى للغات) وأيضا من بعض جمعيات القرآن مثل (جمعية الزهراء بالعبور – جمعية عثمان بن عفان وجمعية السلام بسوهاج) ودور الحضانة مثل (حضانة الهادى – سنابل بسوهاج) وبعض المساجد مثل (مسجد الرحمة بمدينة السلام بالقاهرة)، وهى عينة انتقائية يتوفر فيها شرط التعاون والرغبة فى التغيير والموافقة على التدريب والتقييم والمتابعة.
وتم استخدام أداة الدراسة وهى: برنامج تدريبى قائم على إطار FIRST-ADLX لتجربة معايشة المتعلم النشطة العميقة Active Deep Learner eXperience وتم قياس فاعلية البرنامج من خلال عدد 2 استبانة: (استبانة FIRST لقياس تجربة المعايشة النشطة الفعالة) و(استبانة FIRST لقياس انتقال التعلم)، وكانت نتيجة الدراسة – تحديد المهارات المطلوبة لمعلم القرآن فى (3) مهارات رئيسة (مهارات التحفيظ-مهارات التعلم النشط المؤثر – مهارات تدبر القرآن) ومقسمة إلى (15) مهارة فرعية – وأيضا وجودفروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى ((0.05 على مجموع أسئلة الإستبانة يدل على فاعلية البرنامج التدريبى محل الدراسة فى تحقيق(تجربة تعلم نشطة مؤثرة) للمتعلمين أثناء البرنامج، و(انتقال أثر التعلم) لبيئة عمل معلمى القرآن بمصر.وأوصت الدراس بالتالي:
– الاستفادة من البرنامج التدريبى محل الدراسة في تدريب معلمي القرآن، لما له من تأثير إيجابي في تنمية مهارات التدريس لديهم،
– الإهتمام عند بناء البرامج التدريبية بتصميم تجربة التعلم LXD، لأن التعلم يجب أن يبدأ انتقاله من داخل قاعة التدريب، مما يضمن النقل ويزيد من زخمه.
– الإستفادة من إطار FIRST-ADLX فى تصميم البرامج التدريبية والتعليمية المختلفة، وإجراء المزيد من الأبحاث عليه.
The aim of the research is to measure the effectiveness of a proposed training program based on the FIRST-ADLX framework for the Activ Deep Learner eXperience to develop some teaching skills of Quran teachers in Egypt. The research is based on the approach: quasi-experimental (with one group) when applying the program to the study community: consisting of teachers of the Noble Qur’an in Egypt. The research sample consisted of (110) teachers from four governorates (Cairo – Giza – Qalyubia – Sohag) working in a number of private schools such as (Leaders International – Leaders National – Al-Andalus Al-Azhar-Al-Mahdi Languages) and also from some Quran associations such as (Al-Zahraa Association in Al-Obour) Othman Bin Affan Association and Al-Salam Association in Sohag) and nurseries such as (Al-Hadi Nursery – Sanabel in Sohag) and some mosques such as (Al-Rahma Mosque in Al-Salam City in Cairo).It is a selective sample in which the condition of cooperation, desire for change, and approval of training, evaluation, and follow-up are met. The study tool was used: a training program based on the FIRST-ADLX framework for the active and influential learner experience Activ Deep Learner eXperience, and the program’s effectiveness was measured through 2 questionnaires: (Questionnaire) FIRST to measure an effective active experience) and (FIRST to measure learning transition). The result of the study – determining the skills required for a Qur’an teacher in (3) main skills (memorization skills – effective active learning skills – Qur’an management skills) were divided into (15) sub-skills – and also the existence of statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) on the total The questionnaire questions indicate the effectiveness of the training program understudy in achieving (an active and effective learning experience) for the learners during the program, and (transferring the learning effect) to the work environment of Quran teachers in Egypt. The study recommended the following:
- To take advantage of the training program understudy in training Qur’an teachers, because of its positive impact on developing their teaching skills.
- Ensures the transfer and increases its momentum.
- Benefiting from the FIRST-ADLX framework in designing various training and educational programs, and conducting further research on it.
December 2021
ورقة بحثية بعنوان تأثير تجربة التعلم في انتقال أثر التعلم دراسة ميدانية على بعض معلمي القران بمصر
هدفت الدراسة إلى قياس تأثير بتجربة التعلم في انتقال أثر التعلم من خلال دراسة ميدانية على بعض معلمي القرآن بمصر – واعتمد البحث على المنهج: (ذو المجموعة الواحدة) عند القيام بتطبيق برنامج تدريبي باستخدام إطار FIRST-ADLX لتجربة معايشة المتعلم النشطة العميقة Active Deep Learner eXperience، على مجتمع الدراسة: المكون من معلمي مادة القرآن الكريم بمصر وتكونت عينة البحث من 110 معلما، يعملون بعدد من المدارس الأهلية وجمعيات تعليم القرآن ودور الحضانة، وتم قياس فاعلية البرنامج من خلال 2 استبانة: (استبانة FIRST لقياس تجربة معايشة المتعلم النشطة العميقة) و (استبانة FIRST لقياس انتقال التعلم) وتوصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج من أهمها إثبات أن تحقيق تجربة معايشة نشطة عميقة للمعلمين أثناء فترة التعلم ساعد وأثر إيجابيا في انتقال أثر التعلم لبيئة عمل المعلمين، وأوصت الدراسة ببعض التوصيات منها الاستفادة من الدراسة في تصميم برامج تدريب معلمي القرآن، والاستفادة من الدراسة في تصميم برامج تدريب معلمي القرآن، الاستفادة من إطار FIRST-ADLX في تصميم البرامج التدريبية والتعلمية المختلفة، وإجراء المزيد من الأبحاث عليه.
The study aimed to measure the effect of the learning experience in the transmission of the learning effect through a field study on some Quran teachers in Egypt. The research was based on the approach: Quasi-experimental (one-group) when implementing a training program using the FIRST-ADLX framework for the Active Deep Learner eXperience, The study community: The study population consists of teachers of the Noble Qur’an in Egypt, and the research sample consisted of (110) teachers, working in a number of private schools, associations for teaching the Qur’an and nurseries, and the effectiveness of the program was measured through two questionnaires: (FIRST questionnaire to measure the experience of active and effective coexistence) And (FIRST Questionnaire to Measure Transition Learning The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: Evidence that achieving an effective coexistence experience for teachers during the learning period helped and positively affected the transmission of the learning effect on the teachers’ work environment. The study recommended some recommendations, including Benefiting from the study in designing training programs for Qur’an teachers, making use of the FIRST-ADLX Framework in designing various training and educational programs, and conducting more research on it.)
Keywords: Quran Teacher – Learning Experience – Learning Impact Transfer -Training Program – FIRST Framework
December 2020
Validating the Impact of FIRST as a New Learner Experience Framework for Teachers Professional Development
Teachers’ Professional Development ‘TPD’ has always been an area of growing interest in educational research. Several researchers have thoroughly explored the TPD domain aiming to develop and train teachers on how to understand, experience, practice and have a sustainable impact on learners. FIRST (Bahgat et al. 2018) is a new learner experience framework, which consists of five domains; focusing on learner ‘F’, interacting within group dynamics ‘ I’, reviewing actively ‘R’, structuring and sequencing ‘S’, and transforming learning into performance ‘T’. It is designed based on educational psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology, to create a framework that promotes active deep learning and inspires a positive transformation in mindset and behaviours.
FIRST was applied on a TPD program named Roadmap of Outstanding Educators ‘ROOTS’. The participants were one hundred and seven teachers. This paper attempts to explore the impact of FIRST Framework on TPD, teachers experience as learners and teachers motivation to transfer their learning into performance in the classrooms. The study employed exploratory sequential mixed methods design using case study methodology. Qualitative data was analysed and interpreted into codes and themes. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS. Major findings: (1) Teachers reported that FIRST is comprehensive and compiles various educational theories, models and strategies, they were able to apply the principles and strategies in their classrooms immediately after the professional program days were over, (2) Student’s feedback and overall experience were enhanced, (3) Some schools have adopted FIRST as a learner experience. These findings recommended that teachers should live the TPD experience as learners. The TPD programs should include follow up phase to enhance teachers’ experience and encourage the transfer of learning into performance.
April 2020
ICEDU 2020 Abstract Book
Teachers’ Professional Development has always been an area of growing interest and constant research. Several educational researchers and authors have thoroughly explored the Teachers’ professional development domain with the efforts to develop and train teachers on how to understand, experience, practice and have a sustainable impact on learners. This paper attempts to explore the impact of FIRST Framework on Teacher Professional Development, teachers experience as learners and teachers motivation to transfer their learning into performance in the classrooms using case study methodology. FRIST Framework is designed on the basis of educational psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology, to create a framework that promotes Active Deep Learning and inspires a positive transformation in mindset and behaviors.
February 2020
ROOTS project Impact Report 2020
This evaluation report aimed to understand and explore the impact of ROOTS as a teacher professional development program. The methodology employed was Mixed Method (Quantitative and Qualitative) because mixed methods evaluations seek to integrate social science disciplines with predominantly quantitative and predominantly qualitative approaches to theory, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The purpose is to strengthen the reliability of data, the validity of the findings and recommendations, and to broaden and deepen our understanding of the processes through which program outcomes and impacts are achieved, and how these are affected by the context within which the program is implemented.
February 2020
Transforming a School into a Learning Community by Integrating FIRST Framework
This study recounts the cyclic process that one private school developed and implemented for the professional development PD of its staff during an academic year. The process consists of five stages that constitute the framework for PD. The content used to implement the PD framework was a learning framework that focuses on students‟ active deep learning, FIRST.
August 2018
FIRST Framework Design and Facilitate Active Deep Learner eXperience
Over the past decades, Learning & Development has become an area of growing interest and constant research. As a result, there is an abundance of studies and models that target the development of educators. However, the professional development of educators should be built on a comprehensive framework of research-based instructional strategies that help train them on how to understand, experience, practice and leave a sustainable impact on learners. This paper presents our own “FIRST Framework”, a holistic framework designed on the basis of renown models and theories, such as experiential learning; Gamification and game-based learning; facilitative learning, 6Ds model, positive psychology, experience economy and neuroscience. It is an engaging framework that helps educators bridge theory and practice to create a high-quality learning environment in their classrooms. FIRST Framework consists of 5 domains with 15 principles that help leave a sustainable impact on learners through promoting Active Deep Learner Experience.
May 2017
Final Report for SeGa Evaluation Community Assessment and Program Evaluation
SeGa is a social enterprise that gives training courses to corporates and nonprofit organizations that give training to their beneficiaries. It is the only entity in the Middle East that is specified in experiential learning and organizational coaching as it uses an approach called Deep Active learning under the name FIRST. The idea behind the integration between active and deep learning is to promote interactions between learners.
May 2017
Creating Communities of Impact: The Case of an Egyptian Community Learning Program
Stemming out of an Egyptian Social Enterprise’s (SeGa) mission to develop educators through active deep learner experiences, SeGa developed its community-learning program, Sawaa’ed, with the main goal of developing, sustaining and enriching community education efforts. Launched in 2015, Sawaa’ed’s learner-centered approach aims at empowering community educators, leveraging their skills and providing them with the necessary tools and methods, while introducing the notion of learner-centered education through its unique experiential learning program.
November 2017
Facilitating Active Deep Learner eXperience, Using FIRST Framework.
Teachers’ Professional Development has always been an area of growing interest and constant research. Several studies, models and researchers have thoroughly explored the Teachers’ development domain with the efforts to train them on how to understand, experience, practice and leave a sustainable impact on learners.