Transforming Learning Into Performance

The T Domain is the final domain of FIRST Framework. It is concerned with transforming Learning into Performance. The transformation should start from within the classroom guaranteeing and accelerating the transformation.

T focuses on the sort of activities and action that can be done within the training room/ learning session that will help the learner keep any eye on the practice and the learning transformation. It will also help in the follow up/mentoring phase (if any) that takes place after the trip.

Main principles:



These activities are done to help learners reflect learning on their reality and to raise the commitment to apply the concepts in real life to enhance the performance.

By reality we mean across 3 time-spans: previous, current and future. This principle is based on two important principles in adult learning, which are:

  •       Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences.
  •       Adults are relevancy oriented

The learning approach that drives this principle is:

Reflective learning, which is one of the approaches that add depth to the learning experience, along with the Active approach, it also helps in accelerating the learning transfer, beginning from inside the classroom as well as giving the learners the opportunity to understand what they are benefiting from the learning.



Practicing: is mainly for skills and applying knowledge. For example, working on applying tools within the session.

While Experiencing: is for the concepts, mindset and attitudes, i.e. metaphors, games.

If we believe that the real change and transformation should start during the learning, this will make us focus on how to make this change occur during the training. Adding practicing activities where participants apply their learning and practice it and receive feedback is very essential for this change.

Also helping the participants to experience the concepts and live it entirely, instead of just presenting it.

We need to add activities in the scenario that will give the learners the opportunity to practice and experience what they learned through the event.



Learning is a full journey not just a glimpse; what really matters is the continuity of the learning application after the training is over; therefore, it is very essential to design and facilitate a space where learners can think of how to continue this learning journey, what action items they should take, what extra knowledge they need to acquire, who can help them and how to enhance their skills more and more after the event.

This is the final domain of FIRST Framework. Explore our blog for impactful resources, insightful articles, personal reflections and ideas on many related subjects.

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